
Doctor Elena Malysheva: carbonated water does not lead to bloating

Doctorswho spoke in the “Live Healthy!” program, emphasized that drinking carbonated water promotes a feeling of fullness and does not cause bloating.

This is based on the results of an experiment conducted on one hundred people, which showed that sparkling water was more effective at promoting satiety than regular water. This is due to the fact that carbonated water affects the mechanoreceptors of the stomach, as a result of which the body perceives the same volume of carbonated water as more voluminous.

Doctor Elena Malysheva explained that drinking carbonated water does not lead to bloating, since gases can rise up and cause belching, but do not affect the intestines, where gases are formed due to the activity of bacteria. However, it should be taken into account that hypertensive patients have contraindications to drinking mineral water due to the salt content, which can increase blood pressure.

Previously, researchers from Canada found that including enough fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and some fatty foods in your diet helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. More about this read the material Public News Service.

Message Doctor Elena Malysheva: carbonated water does not lead to bloating appeared first on Public news service.

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