
After Putin’s relationship with Kim of the DPRK, transportation to the Russian Federation sharply increased – satellite images

The Beyond Parallel project of the American Center for Strategic and International Research has recorded a sharp increase in the number of essential transport between Southern Korea and Russia after the alliance between the leaders of both powers at Veresna.

Dzherelo: publicationBeyond Parallel, “European Truth”

Details: A satellite image of a liquid object in the ancient Korean town of Tumangan, which is on the border with Russia, as of June 5, 2023, has recorded an unprecedented number of vanity cars – close to 73 .

Activity in Tumangan is abundant because American analysts from Beyond Parallel have been monitoring the site for the remaining five rocks – leading up to the coronavirus pandemic. Until then, what worries him is the reality of, probably, a new warehouse space.

“Looking at those that Kim and Putin discussed at the end of the day, the nutrition of the military exchange and the spread of food, the reduction of the infectious disease, it is clear that the supply of the Pine Bark “I have saved and ammo supplies to Russia,” the publication reads.

Analysts note that it is impossible to make precise measurements, and all the roofs on the satellite image are covered with a tarpaulin. Well, guess what, in Tumangan, Russian salvage cars have already been recorded in the leaf fall of 2022, since the United States first announcedprovision of protection from the DPRK to Russian terrorists of the Wagner Group.

According to analysts, in exchange for a safe haven, they can get rid of the extremely necessary energy and food assistance, as well as advanced protective technologies, including those related to intercontinental ballistic missiles, and double ships with nuclear ballistic missiles and military reconnaissance satellites.

I’m afraid thatPotential transfer of Russian technologies will increase the threatis associated with a growing arsenal of nuclear weapons and missiles intended to launch attacks on the United States, South Korea and Japan.

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